Driver ID and how it helps businesses
If you’re a fleet manager looking to know exactly what’s going on with your vehicles, then driver ID is a great choice for you.
This telematics device allows you to easily find any issues and address them fast. You can even use them to reduce costs and increase security.

What’s driver ID?
Driver ID is a telematics feature. The most common form of ID is a key fob. As a fleet manager, or business owner, you can give your drivers a key fob that connects to a vehicle.
It’s available with Bluetooth technology and keycodes. Whatever form you choose, it can be used to track your fleet online. With a fob, keypad or keyless entry tech you’ll get real-time insights about your drivers and what they’re up to during any working day.
While telematics provides you with all sorts of details about your vehicles, you don’t really get too much information about your drivers.
And if there are different drivers using the same vehicle from day-to-day, it’s good business practice to have an ID system in place. That way you can:
- Follow which driver is using a vehicle at any given time.
- Determine if they’re following your driving policies.
- Monitor the likes of idle time, stopping times and the distance each driver is covering.
It’s important to note that the ID has nothing to do with a driver’s license. What we’re referring to is a telematics device that provides greater control over your fleet.
Types of driver tracking available:
Driver ID key fobs
Assign the fobs to your drivers and track their usage on your online account system. All your driver has to do is use the fob on their vehicle to flag up they’re the one in possession of a vehicle.
Driver ID cards
These are cards your drivers can carry around with them and use to identify themselves in your online system.
Keypads or keyless entry technology
This can be done via a smartphone and a driver using an app to connect to the vehicle. It’s a handy option as drivers don’t need to carry keys around with them. Then, everything will be accessible on their phone.
How driver ID management works
Once you’ve got driver ID, you can choose how many you want. You can then assign the fobs to your drivers and track their usage on your online account system.
How much data you receive depends on which online account management provider you choose.
You can expect to see a tracking system where you can monitor which driver is using which car, where they drive, and timesheets. Other systems go more in-depth and include driving style analysis, route tracking with a map, and more.
iCompario tip:
Any modern fleet will need business vehicle tracking. You can use this cutting-edge technology to keep track of all your drivers and your vehicle health.
Use data to reduce fuel consumption costs, insurance charges and your vehicle maintenance repairs. From car and van tracking to alerts for bad driving or accidents, this tech will put you in charge.
Benefits of driver ID
- Detailed hassle-free admin: Using your online management system, you can see who is driving, where, and how. This information lets you know where the problems are and what changes can be made all in one place.
- Extra security: How do you know who is behind the wheel? It can be an extra security measure to ensure safe fleet management, as only your registered drivers will be able to clock into your vehicles.
- Reduce fuel costs: Your online ID system can be filtered by driver, so you can analyse behaviour and discover steps for improvements. Some systems include in-built reports for driver feedback to reduce your business’ fuel usage.
- Accountability: By tracking individual drivers, you’ll always be able to apply accountability to the right driver in the event of an incident (such as an accident).
- Improve driver performance: By tracking individual drivers, you can ensure they’re sticking to your driving guidelines. Bad driving costs your business money, but with an identification system you’ll be able to ensure all your drivers are representing your business properly on the UK roads.
Any business can take advantage of this technology, from major organisations travelling nationwide, to small businesses with a local operation.
iCompario tip:
Fuel cards will also lower your expenses. You can hand these to your drivers and they can refuel at stations with a card provider’s network. You can get discounts at the pump and fixed billing, putting you in complete control of your fuel expenses.