A small business fuel card - where effective and simple account-management support, greater control over costs, security and fleet-tracking tools are important
Your small business is the driving force behind our nation’s economy
- With over 5.7 million private sector businesses in the UK, you – the SME, account for a staggering 99% of all private sector businesses in the United Kingdom
- You are employing over 16 million people and generating nearly £2 Trillion
- Over 75% of SME businesses don’t employ anyone other than you
- SMEs account for at least 99.5% of the businesses in every main industry sector.
SME’s and Fuel-Cards
There comes a time when your sales aren’t increasing like they once were, your cash flow is levelling out and there seem to be more and more competitors getting into the business every day, then your SME needs every competitive advantage it can get to stay ahead of the game. Fuel and vehicle maintenance are often the biggest expense items your business has, so controlling increased operating costs and tighter controls over spending using the right fuel-cards and fleet/ vehicle management tools becomes crucially important.
Less Administration
Of the 5.7 million businesses, 45% (2.6 million) were registered for VAT or PAYE. Too ease the compliance burden and make sure that claims are not delayed due to incorrect invoicing, choose the correct fuel-card and reporting system.
No Minimum Spend
Compare cards that do not have any minimum spends, or disadvantage customers who do not use their cards during seasonal downtime. If you only have one vehicle for your sme business, compare with us and find the right card.